Ākonga at Te Kura o Papatahora have many opportunities to develop their leadership skills through a variety of roles and responsibilities. Check out the information on this page for more information on each role.
743 Weedons Ross Road,
West Melton 7618

Phone: (03) 347 8448

Email: office@westmelton.school.nz

Our office hours are Monday to Friday 8:15am - 3:30pm.
Contact details
The library at West Melton School is open at lunchtime and is a well-resourced learning centre.  It is equipped with high interest and age appropriate material that is constantly evolving. The Year 5 & 6 ākonga are the librarians and this forms part of their school responsibilities.  The Year 7 & 8 ākonga are senior librarians and they help with the planning of themed events, helping the younger librarians and liaising with teachers and other library staff.
Peer Mediators
At Te Kura o Papatahora the Year 5 - 8 ākonga have the opportunity to become Peer Mediators.  These ākonga have regular meetings and support; to learn the skills involved in being a mediator. Once trained they are able to assist learners and teachers with minor conflict resolution in the playground.  This is a great opportunity for learners to improve their communication skills, both with other learners and teachers.
Bus Monitors
Ākonga from our Year 6 - 8 classes, who travel on the school buses, have the option of undertaking the important role of School Bus Monitor.
Bus Monitors act as models for safe behaviour on the buses, and they remind other ākonga of bus rules and expectations for appropriate behaviour.  They report to the bus drivers and school staff any matters of concern.
The PAL programme is adaptable and designed to suit the needs of our ākonga . It gives senior ākonga responsibility and an opportunity to be seen in a leadership role.  At the same time, the programme helps to encourage ākonga ’ participation in sport and physical activity and contributes to their 60 minutes of physical activity a day.

Being a PAL gives the ākonga within our school a sense of pride and satisfaction as well as an opportunity to develop a role model status.

Some benefits we have noticed while running PAL include:
● Ākonga develop personal leadership skills
●Ākonga have an opportunity to accept more responsibility, appreciation, and respect from teachers and learners
●Ākonga gain a sense of satisfaction for helping the enjoyment of others while working towards a happier, healthier, more physically active life!
● Provides a great teaching and learning opportunity in leadership, sportsmanship and teamwork.
Physical Activity Leaders (PALs)
Sport Shed Monitors
At Te Kura o Papatahora we are lucky to have a well-resourced sports shed.  This shed is open every lunch break (weather dependent) and our learners can use a range of different sports equipment.

The shed is managed by Year 5 & 6 ākonga , who run the sports shed as part of their school wide responsibilities.
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Whānau Leaders
West Melton School has six whānau groups; Hill, Ross, Langdale, Selwyn, Trickett, and Newton. Each whānau has two year 7 or 8 leaders who are elected at the beginning of the year. Their responsibilities sit just below the School Ambassadors.
Jump Jam
Our Year 5 - 8 ākonga can audition for place in a school team to participate in annual regional and national Jump Jam competitions.
The Eco-Warriors maintain the gardens, the worms and the recycling. We have five gardens in the school that we use to grow fruits and vegetables.  Once a week  the recycling team goes out and collects all the recycling bins from the communities.
Leadership Opportunities

At Te Kura o Papatahora we offer ākonga a variety of student leadership roles.

The leadership roles offered are:
●  School Ambassadors (Year 8)
●  Whānau Leaders (Year 7 & 8)
●  Librarian
●  Eco Warrior
●  Sport Shed Monitor
●  Peer Mediator
●  Bus Monitor
●  Road Patrol
●  Flagl Monitor
●  Technicians
●  Reporters
●  Student Exec
●  Kapa Haka Leaders

We encourage and support these leadership roles in the safe primary school environment with the hope that the ākonga will take on leadership roles at high school and in the community. The ākonga attend leadership develop training throughout the year.

All positions are advertised at the start of the year.

Successful ākonga are trained and issued with a contract and their badges, which are worn with pride. It is an honour to be a West Melton Leader.