Three bus routes currently serve those eligible pupils between home and school each day. A map of these routes is available here. (note that these maps are for routes starting in 2022, and they differ slightly from those running in 2021)

Pupils in Years 1-8 are eligible for the school bus if they live more than 3.2 km from the school. Follow this link to the Ministry of Education to find out more about school transport.

It is the responsibility of parents to notify the school whenever pupils will not be travelling home on the bus.  There are bus notices available to be filled out for this purpose at the school office. It is very important that this is completed whenever a change is made. This is a safety matter and takes a lot of teacher time to track down missing children. You can find a copy of this form on the website.

At the end of each school day bus pupils will assemble.
The duty teacher will mark pupils off the bus list. Buses will leave school by 3.10 p.m. and no later than 3.15 p.m. During Level 2 restrictions, buses will leave around 3pm.

Bus Monitors are assigned to each bus. Their role is critical in ensuring student safety. All students are expected to follow their instructions and to treat them respectfully. It is a demanding leadership role,  allocated to suitable senior students who are trained by our local NZ Police Education Officer.

All classes have a copy of the bus rules and all students must abide by them. Consequences for choosing to break the rules are explained to the students and are in our bus policy. We are committed to the safety of our children. You can find a copy of the bus agreement on the school website.

For student safety, fluorescent bus vests are provided for all bus students.  Students must wear these vests both to and from school. Parental co-operation is vital to ensure the vests are worn. Drivers and senior students are also required by law to wear masks when travelling on school buses and we encourage bus children of all ages to do so. For any concerns regarding bus matters please contact the staff member who is delegated the responsibility and safety of students on the buses. This is presently moira.mckendry@westmelton.school.nz
Bus Information
743 Weedons Ross Road,
West Melton 7618

Phone: (03) 347 8448

Email: office@westmelton.school.nz

Our office hours are Monday to Friday 8:15am - 3:30pm.
Contact details
School Crossing
Children waiting for parents to pick them up after school will remain inside the school grounds outside the office until their parents arrive.  Parents are asked to cross the road with their children. Children are not to wait in the car park, or to be called across the road to a car. Please help us to keep your children safe.
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