Enrolment at West Melton School
If you are considering enrolling your child at West Melton School and you live or are intending to live within our school zone (see guidelines below), then please complete our Online Enrolment Form.  This is especially important for any preschoolers, as it allows us to plan ahead to ensure we are providing adequate ratios in our Kowhai Community (Year 0-1). If your child is a New Entrant, then more information can be found below regarding our New Entrant Cohort Entry scheme.
●  Online Enrolment Form
●  A to Z Information for New Akonga/Whanau
●  New Entrant Enrolment Information
743 Weedons Ross Road,
West Melton 7618

Phone: (03) 347 8448

Email: office@westmelton.school.nz

Our office hours are Monday to Friday 8:15am - 3:30pm.
Contact details
Currently we are only accepting out of zone enrolments for children who already have a sibling attending the school. Please refer to the map (below) to check if you are in the school enrolment zone.
West Melton School Enrolment Zone

Click map for larger version

West Melton School Enrolment Scheme
The policy of the West Melton School Board of Trustees is to ensure equality of educational opportunity by maintaining class sizes to match available resources.

In 2005, the Ministry of Education directed the Board to adopt a school Enrolment Scheme to assist with funding allocation, school resource management and better definition of the catchment area.  It also ensures roll growth is not at the expense of neighbouring schools.

The Board of Trustees has fulfilled the requirements of the Ministry, with regards to consultation with neighbouring schools and the community, to produce this enrolment scheme.

The West Melton School Enrolment Scheme is to be reviewed annually to ensure compliance with applicable Ministry of Education requirements while striving to maximise the benefit to students, staff and the local community.

Objectives :

Enrolment (Home) Zone

All students who live within the home zone described below and shown on the map shall be entitled to enroll at West Melton School.

The school enrolment scheme home zone is the area within the boundary description below.  To avoid doubt, both sides of the boundary roads are deemed to be within the home zone.

Zone Boundary Description

The north boundary is the Waimakariri River. From the river South along Chattertons Road to Dawsons Road, along Dawsons to Newtons Road corner, along Newtons to Knights Road corner, along Knights to Hoskyns Road corner, along Hoskyns to West Melton Road corner, South along West Melton Road, to Railway Road, along Railway Road to a point aligning with Hayes Road, along this line and Hayes Road to Painters Road, from the Hayes Road / Painters Road intersection a direct line through to Henderson’s Road and along Hendersons Road back to the Waimakariri River.

The boundary points along Halkett Road are 2.1 km from the intersection of Sandy Knolls Road (up to Rapid Number 3210880) and along Railway Road 1.3 km from the intersection with Sandy Knolls Road (up to Rapid Number 5860680).
Please refer to the map above.
Proof of residence within the home zone will be required.

Out of Zone Enrolments

Enrolment at West Melton School is governed by an enrolment scheme.  The enrolment of out of zone students is governed by the provisions of the education Act 1989.

The Education Amendment Act (No. 3) 2010 changed the priority of out of zone students selected via the ballot.  The change only affects students not living in school’s home zones.

West Melton School are currently only accepting Out of Zone Enrolments under the Second Priority due to the predicted growth of the “home zone” with several large sub-divsions being developed at present.

Application for out of zone enrolment will now be processed in the following order of priority.

First Priority - This priority category is not applicable to this school because the school does not run a special programme approved by the secretary.
Second Priority must be given to applicants who are siblings of current students.
Third Priority must be given to applicants who are siblings of former students.
Fourth Priority must be given to any applicant who is a child of a former student of the school.
Fifth Priority must be given to any applicant who is either a child of an employee of the school or a child of a member of the board of the school.
Sixth Priority must be given to all other applicants.

If there are more applicants in the second, third, fourth, or fifth priority groups than there are places available, selection within the priority group will be by a ballot conducted in accordance with instructions issued by the Secretary for education under Section 11G(1) of the Education Act 1989.  Parents will be informed of the date of any ballot by notice in a daily or community newspaper circulated in the area served by the school.

This enrolment scheme may also be viewed at the school office.
Copyright © 2025 West Melton Primary School, West Melton New Zealand| Website Created by Meltec
Cohort Entry
West Melton School Te Kura o Papatahora, along with other schools has adopted a cohort entry policy following consultation with:
●  current parents
●  school staff
●  local early childhood centres
●  prospective parents

Cohort entry allows new entrants a smoother transition to school and helps them build relationships with other new entrants starting and connecting with students already in the class.  It allows West Melton School to better plan its staffing requirements and also means less disruption for new entrant teachers who can prepare for groups of children arriving on a specific date rather than on an individual and fragmented basis through the year.

This means:
●  children start school in groups after they have turned five years old. This could mean that a child may not start school on their 5th birthday so this is something parents should be mindful of when preparing their child for their starting date. Children can remain at their ECE until the intake after their fifth birthday and they will continue to receive funding to attend ECE until they start school.
●  there are two entry points each term, one on the first day of term and one at a midpoint during a term

Once a child is formally enrolled, they must attend school regularly.  Children must be enrolled in school by their 6th birthday.

For more information you can read the links below:
New Entrant Enrolment Information
West Melton Transitions Photo Book
Year Group Classification - Understanding my child's Year Group